Monday, 18 April 2016

Monday, 15 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 7 (Wai,Imogen,Sophie&Elise)

Question 7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full production?

Firstly, looking back at our preliminary task we learnt how different camera angles allow us to show the audience what is going on from different characters perspectives which allows us to hint to the audience what may happen without giving the plot away. For instance, in our establishing shot we see how our main character looks small and vulnerable which allows the audience to predict that she will be the victim.

We also learnt that music and lighting play a huge part in setting the scene and mood of the opening sequence. For example, by having low key lighting and tense music it builds tension and leaves the audience wanting to watch more. This is good as it attracts the audience and allows them to feel involved in the scene.

Lastly, we have learnt how important it is to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience as they are the people who will be watching it therefore, it is important that they are thought about throughout the creation of the opening sequence/film.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 6 (Wai,Imogen,Sophie&Elise)

Question 6) What have you learnt about technologies and the process of constructing this product?

During the process of making our opening sequence, we used many different programs to help present and create our final piece. 
Throughout the research period, we used 3 different ways of presenting our findings and the development of our idea. We used Prezi, notes and our IPhone's to record our findings as a source of presenting our feedback. Prezi was a very easy why to inform as it visually communicated what we wanted to get across in addition to this it also brought our work to life allowing us to develop more computer skills. On the other hand the program Notes was a simple yet easy way of producing our information and research. Note became especially useful when creating the moodboard because it was easy to move the picture around and place them in the ways I wanted.

In addition to this we used the program Motion 5 to create our logo. We thought that this was a good way to create our logo from scratch because it was a very simple layout and wasn't very complicated in how to use the program.

In the course of the production of our opening sequence we used a Panasonic HDC - SD90 video recording camera to film our opening sequence. 

The Apple Mac computer was our main tool throughout the whole process of constructing our opening sequence.

Lastly, we used Final Cut Pro X was our go to editing tool during the production of our opening sequence. This program was simple and easy to get to grips with, therefore after using Final Cut Pro X to edit our preliminary task we found it easy to edit the rest of our videos of feedback and our final opening sequence.


Saturday, 13 February 2016

Task 20 - The evaluation - Question 5 (Wai,Imogen,Sophie&Elise)

Question 5) How did you attract/address your audience?

By having a young girl as our main character we think it attracts our audience as they feel that they can relate to the girl and how scared she must be feeling.  We also think that by setting our opening sequence in a school it appeals to our audience as it makes them feel like it could happen to them or that they have similarities with the girl therefore, they feel attached to the character and want to know what happens to her. Another way I think that we made our opening sequence appealing to our target audience was by making it a horror that isn't to scary. By ensuring that it isn't to scary it allows us to attract our audience and draw them in due to our target audience being teenagers.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 4 (Wai,Imogen,Sophie&Elise)

 Question 4) Who would be the audience for your media product?


The audience for our media product is teenagers and young adults. We feel that this is the right target audience because it is more interesting and understandable for those who are in the age range to experience the type of scenario that is occurring in our opening sequence. We feel that the teenagers and young adults are able to relate more to the scenario and are able to question themselves if they were in the same position which gets them to think throughout watching the opening sequence resulting in them wanting to carry on watching the rest of the film.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 3 (Sophie&Imogen)

Question 3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? (think about the companies you learnt about for institutions and audiences)

We believe that Film4 and Working Titles are the best institutions for our film to be distributed by because they are small British institution which distribute low budget British films just like ours. They also produce a wide variety of films which also allows our film to fit in with what films they distribute. As our film is low budget therefore, we don't use any special effects we think the best media institutions are those which are known for making similar low budget films.

Film4 Logo:

Working Titles Logo:

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 2 (Sophie&Imogen)

Question 2) How does your media product represent different social groups? (Think about TV Drama stereotypes in this answer)

Our media product represents different social groups as we have the vulnerable young girl, emotionless male and the sympathetic older female.

Young girls are often considered naive and innocent, which is why we portray our victim in this away. By conforming to this stereotype it allows the audience to predict that something bad is going to happen to the young girl. This builds tension as the audience is on edge wondering what is going to happen to the girl.

Men are often considered as hard and emotionless. I think by creating our psychopath as an emotionless male we have met this stereotype which allow the audience to instantly see the character as threatening.

Older women are often considered maternal and that their role is to look after others which also fits our investigator's character. In our opening sequence we can see the sadness and sympathy when he investigator gets the phone call.