Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Task 20 - The Evaluation - Question 2 (Sophie&Imogen)

Question 2) How does your media product represent different social groups? (Think about TV Drama stereotypes in this answer)

Our media product represents different social groups as we have the vulnerable young girl, emotionless male and the sympathetic older female.

Young girls are often considered naive and innocent, which is why we portray our victim in this away. By conforming to this stereotype it allows the audience to predict that something bad is going to happen to the young girl. This builds tension as the audience is on edge wondering what is going to happen to the girl.

Men are often considered as hard and emotionless. I think by creating our psychopath as an emotionless male we have met this stereotype which allow the audience to instantly see the character as threatening.

Older women are often considered maternal and that their role is to look after others which also fits our investigator's character. In our opening sequence we can see the sadness and sympathy when he investigator gets the phone call.


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