Question 6) What have you learnt about technologies and the process of constructing this product?
During the process of making our opening sequence, we used many different programs to help present and create our final piece.
Throughout the research period, we used 3 different ways of presenting our findings and the development of our idea. We used Prezi, notes and our IPhone's to record our findings as a source of presenting our feedback. Prezi was a very easy why to inform as it visually communicated what we wanted to get across in addition to this it also brought our work to life allowing us to develop more computer skills. On the other hand the program Notes was a simple yet easy way of producing our information and research. Note became especially useful when creating the moodboard because it was easy to move the picture around and place them in the ways I wanted.
In addition to this we used the program Motion 5 to create our logo. We thought that this was a good way to create our logo from scratch because it was a very simple layout and wasn't very complicated in how to use the program.
In the course of the production of our opening sequence we used a Panasonic HDC - SD90 video recording camera to film our opening sequence.
The Apple Mac computer was our main tool throughout the whole process of constructing our opening sequence.
Lastly, we used Final Cut Pro X was our go to editing tool during the production of our opening sequence. This program was simple and easy to get to grips with, therefore after using Final Cut Pro X to edit our preliminary task we found it easy to edit the rest of our videos of feedback and our final opening sequence.
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