Question 7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full production?
Firstly, looking back at our preliminary task we learnt how different camera angles allow us to show the audience what is going on from different characters perspectives which allows us to hint to the audience what may happen without giving the plot away. For instance, in our establishing shot we see how our main character looks small and vulnerable which allows the audience to predict that she will be the victim.
We also learnt that music and lighting play a huge part in setting the scene and mood of the opening sequence. For example, by having low key lighting and tense music it builds tension and leaves the audience wanting to watch more. This is good as it attracts the audience and allows them to feel involved in the scene.
Lastly, we have learnt how important it is to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience as they are the people who will be watching it therefore, it is important that they are thought about throughout the creation of the opening sequence/film.