For our preliminary task we were asked to use a range of shots such as 180-degree rule, over the shoulder and a match on action shot. However, we also included high and low angle shots.
In the beginning of the scene, we decided to use a high angle shot of Wai to show that she is inferior and weak in this scene. This shot is effective as it sets the character of Wai as being the bully victim straight away, before Elise(the bully) has been introduced.
In the next scene, we used a match on action shot. This is when Elise is storming through the door; firstly, we see her perspective when entering through the door.
Secondly, we then see her character after she has stormed through the door. This is effective as we can see Elise before and after she has walked through the door without having to follow her around with the camera.
When Elise is introduced, we used a high angle shot to her dominance against Wai. The fact that Elise is walking down the stairs and Wai is walking up the stairs is effective as we swap our camera angles from each of their point of view.
After Elise pushes Wai, we decided to use a 180-degree-rule shot to show the expression on both of our faces and to show that we know you can only film from one side of the actors.
During our dialect, we used two over the shoulder shots. The first over the shoulder shot is Elise spitefully saying to Wai "Watch where you're going, loser". This shot is effective as it is commonly used when displaying two characters having a conversation. Here, the audience feels as if they are Wai being spoken to by Elise.
The other over-the-shoulder shot is when Wai is responding to Elise. This shot is effective as we can now see Wai's facial reaction to what Elise has said. During this shot we feel as if we are in Elise's perspective instead of Wai's.
The music we chose to illustrate our clip was "Mad World- Gary Jules" as we feel that the lyrics to this song deeply relates to how Wai's character feels about being pushed around and bullied. The song also refers to school, which is where our scene is set when Wai is feeling down.
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